12 Jun, 22

Genoa + MusicNL Musician-in-Residence Program

GenoaCommunity, Press Release

MusicNL has teamed up with the Landfall Trust of Brigus and Genoa Design International again to present their second year of the musician-in-residence program.

Congratulations to Nico Paulo, the 2022 recipient! Nico Paulo is a songwriter, performer, and visual artist whose debut in the Toronto music community did not go unnoticed. In 2014, Nico began writing original songs and experimenting with her singing. Originally from Portugal Nico called Toronto home for seven years. She moved to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador in recent years. She performs her solo project and is the back-ups singer and percussionist for Tim Baker’s band that toured across Canada, the USA and Europe in ’19/’20. She has also collaborated with Jenn Grant, Josh Van Tassel, The Fortunate Ones and Father Christmas.

This program will allow Nico to spend two full weeks this summer (August 6-19) at the stunning Kent Cottage in Brigus. She will be provided with a place to live and work and given food/supplies as she spends two weeks in one of the most inspiring areas of the province. The rustic cottage is in a quiet, secluded off-the-grid location, making this residency the perfect opportunity for a songwriting retreat.

As part of the residency, Nico will also be required to lead a community outreach project. This could be a workshop, a presentation, or a performance at the iconic Brigus Blueberry Festival.