
Mark Norman

About Mark

Mark Norman retired from the Royal Canadian Navy with the rank of Vice-Admiral in August of 2019 after over 39 years of service.

Norman started his naval service as a reserve diesel mechanic in 1980 and rose through the ranks to be the Vice-Chief of Defence. His military career has seen him serve at sea domestically and internationally, command a warship, the Canadian Atlantic Fleet, and ultimately the Royal Canadian Navy. He also has extensive experience in a variety of appointments, training & educating sailors, leading operations, strategic planning and managing major procurement projects.

Since retirement, Norman has applied energy to a variety of pursuits, including as Champion for the Royal Canadian Benevolent Fund, Senior Defence Strategist at Samuel Associates, contributing to the important debate about security and defence issues in Canada as both a fellow with the Global Affairs Institute and as a member of the Conference of Defence Associations Board.

In his spare time, Mark loses golf balls, skis, and continues perfecting the art of safely crashing his mountain bike.